Results for 'Naḥman Yeḥiʾel Mikhl Shṭainmeṭts'

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  1. Imre fi: amarim neʻimim, peninim yeḳarim, kolel derushim neḥmadim, be-derekh agadah u-musar neʼemarim: ḥag ha-Pesaḥ.Yeḥiʼel Mikhl ben Ozer Fried - 2022 - [Brooklyn, NY]: [Bene ha-Meḥaber].
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  2. Shetulim be-vet ha-Shem: darkhe ḥinukh le-or ha-metsiʼut be-zemanenu bi-feraṭ le-talmidim mitmodedim.Yeḥiʼel Mikhl ben Yehoshuʻa Zelig Plisḳin - 2014 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼah la-or Tsuf.
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  3. Sefer ha-meḥanekh: pirḳe hadrakhah be-ʻinyene ḥinukh la-Torah u-midot ṿe-yirʼat Shamayim ʻal pi mishle gedole ḳadmonenu.Yeḥiʼel Mikhl Shṭern (ed.) - 2003 - Yerushalayim: Yeḥiʼel Mikhl Shṭern.
    [1] Torah ṿe-yirʼat Shamayim -- [2] Midot ṿe-hanhagot ṭovot.
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  4. Sefer Igrot Yeḥiʼel: osef mikhteve ḳodesh, meleʼim ziṿ... ṿe-nikhlalim bahem ḥidushim ʻal ha-Torah u-moʻadim ṿe-sugyot ha-Shas.Yosef Yeḥiʼel Mikhl Leboṿiṭsh - 1987 - Spring Ṿali: Be. ha-mid. Birkhot Yosef de-Niḳalśburg.
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  5. Sefer Mishnat nevonim: ʻal Pirḳe avot: amarim neʻimim... be-derekh agadah ṿa-ḥasidut... mi-pi seforim ṿe-sofrim ʻal Pirḳe Avot mesudarim.Naḥman Yeḥiʾel Mikhl Shṭainmeṭts - 2022 - Bruḳlin, N.Y.: Naḥman Yeḥiʼel Mikhl Shṭainmeṭts.
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  6. Sefer Ayelet ahavim: le-ʻorer et ha-ahavah le-talmud Torah.Yeḥiʼ Brim & el AryLeyb - 2006 - Yerushalayim: Brim.
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  7. Sefer Ṿe-Oto Taʻavod: Devarim Ḳetsarim Ṿe-Tamtsitiyim Mi-Ḥazal Ha-Mevaʼarim, Ha-Meʼirim U-Meʻorerim le-Ḳiyum Mitsṿot U-Milui Ḥovot Yesodiyot Ha-Muṭalot ʻal Kol Ish Yiśraʼel Kol Yom... Ṿe-Nilṿeh Elaṿ Ḳunṭres "Bi-Shevile di-Neziḳin".Binyamin Yeḥiʼ Grosman & el Ikhl - 2012 - Yerushalayim: Y. Y. Grosman.
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    NAHMAN, Mosé Ben, El llibre de la rempció i altres escrits.Josep Montserrat I. Torrents - 1993 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 21:100.
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  9. Mosse Ben Nahman, el llibre de la redempció I altres escrits, introduc-ció, traducció I notes per Eduard fe-Liu I mabres, biblioteca judaico-ca-talana-1, girona: Ajuntament de.Josep Montserrat - 1993 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 21 (1):101.
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    A Community Should Be Present as He Prays so that He Can Bind Himself with Their Soul.Moshe Goultschin - 2018 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 26 (1):34-66.
    _ Source: _Volume 26, Issue 1, pp 34 - 66 During his final years, R. Nahman of Bratslav endeavored to find a solution for the paradox of unrealized messiahs. His solution was outlined in his dream about birds in December 1806, on the Sabbath of _Parashat Va-yeḥi_. This dream was influenced by his reading of a story told in the _Zohar, Parashat Va-yeḥi_, of a “vision of birds” of R. Yehudah, a disciple of R. Shimon bar Yohai, that exemplifies the (...)
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    Global Fertility Chains: An Integrative Political Economy Approach to Understanding the Reproductive Bioeconomy.Michal Nahman, Vincenzo Pavone & Sigrid Vertommen - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (1):112-145.
    Over the last two decades, social scientists across disciplines have been researching how value is extracted and governed in the reproductive bioeconomy, which broadly refers to the various ways reproductive tissues, bodies, services, customers, workers, and data are inserted into capitalist modes of accumulation. While many of these studies are empirically grounded in single country–based analyses, this paper proposes an integrative political economy framework, structured around the concept of “global fertility chains.” The latter articulates the reproductive bioeconomy as a nexus (...)
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    Nodes of Desire: Romanian Egg Sellers, `Dignity' and Feminist Alliances in Transnational Ova Exchanges.Michal Nahman - 2008 - European Journal of Women's Studies 15 (2):65-82.
    This article presents qualitative research conducted in an Israeli ova `extraction' clinic in Romania. Following on from a piece written by Jyotsna Gupta and published in this journal in February 2006, this article asks what kinds of feminist alliances can or should be made in the arena of reproductive technologies. In conversation with Gupta, the author asks whether `an ethic of universal human dignity' is possible or desirable. This article looks to the voices of Romanian egg sellers themselves as a (...)
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  13. Ḳunṭres ʻOl Torah: yesodot neʼemanim, divre ḥizuḳ ṿa-ʻatsot maʻaśiyot..Mikhl Yehudah Lipḳovits - 1993 - Yerushalayim: [Ḥ. Mo. L.]. Edited by Dov Yafeh.
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  14. A soft answer. Naḥman & Nathan Sternharz (eds.) - 1986 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Mesivta Heichal Hakodesh Chassidei Breslov.
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  15. Sefer Otsar-ha-ḳunṭresim: ṿe-hu liḳuṭe ḳunṭresim yeḳarim mi-paz. Naḥman & Nathan Sternharz (eds.) - unknown - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Metivta Hekhal ha-ḳodesh--Ḥaside Breslev.
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    Hebrew Bullae from the Time of Jeremiah: Remnants of a Burnt Archive.Gary A. Rendsburg & Nahman Avigad - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (4):663.
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  17. Amarot tehorot.Yehoshuʻa Tsevi Mikhl ben Yaʻaḳov Ḳopil Shapira - 1921 - Edited by Shemuʼel ben Yehoshuʻa Zelig & Jacob Moses ben Zebulun Ḥarlap.
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  18. Tsevi la-tsadiḳ: mikhtavim aḥadim memulaʼim bi-fenine raʻyonot.Yehoshuʻa Tsevi Mikhl ben Yaʻaḳov Ḳopil Shapira - 1906 - [Brooklyn, N.Y.?: Ḥ. Mo. L.. Edited by Jacob Moses ben Zebulun Ḥarlap.
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  19. (1 other version)Tsevi la-tsadik.Yehoshuʻa Tsevi Mikhl ben Yaʻaḳov Ḳopil Shapira - 1907 - Edited by Jacob Moses ben Zebulun Ḥarlap.
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  20. Sefer Meged givʻot ʻolam: ʻuvdot ṿe-hanhagot, ʻetsot ṿe-hadrakhot, penine ḥokhmah u-musar.Mikhl Zalman ben Yaʻaḳov Mosheh Shurḳin - 1998 - Yerushalayim: Mikhl Zalman ben Yaʻaḳov Mosheh Shurḳin. Edited by Israel Meir.
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    Redefining Bioavailability through Migrant Egg Donors in Spain.Christina Weis & Michal Nahman - 2023 - Body and Society 29 (1):79-109.
    This article utilises feminist technoscience studies’ notions of bodily ‘materialisation’ and ‘ontological choreographies’, offering a cyborg feminist account of ‘bioavailability’ as embodied becomings, rather than a fixed ontological state of being. Drawn from 2 years’ ethnographic study in in vitro fertilisation clinics in Spain with migrant women who provided eggs to the cross-border in vitro fertilisation industry, this work explores how global understandings of race and inequalities, clinical practices and women’s own emotional and physical labours collectively produce bioavailability. Through examples (...)
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  22. An Expert System for Arthritis Diseases Diagnosis Using SL5 Object.Hosni Qasim El-Mashharawi, Izzeddin A. Alshawwa, Mohammed Elkahlout & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR) 3 (4):28-35.
    Background: Arthritis is very common but is not well understood. Actually, “arthritis” is not a single disease; it is an informal way of referring to joint pain or joint disease. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis and related conditions. People of all ages, sexes and races can and do have arthritis, and it is the leading cause of disability in America. More than 50 million adults and 300,000 children have some type of arthritis. It is most common (...)
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  23. Diabetes Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network.Nesreen Samer El_Jerjawi & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2018 - International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 121:54-64.
    Diabetes is one of the most common diseases worldwide where a cure is not found for it yet. Annually it cost a lot of money to care for people with diabetes. Thus the most important issue is the prediction to be very accurate and to use a reliable method for that. One of these methods is using artificial intelligence systems and in particular is the use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). So in this paper, we used artificial neural networks to (...)
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  24. Glass Classification Using Artificial Neural Network.Mohmmad Jamal El-Khatib, Bassem S. Abu-Nasser & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 3 (23):25-31.
    As a type of evidence glass can be very useful contact trace material in a wide range of offences including burglaries and robberies, hit-and-run accidents, murders, assaults, ram-raids, criminal damage and thefts of and from motor vehicles. All of that offer the potential for glass fragments to be transferred from anything made of glass which breaks, to whoever or whatever was responsible. Variation in manufacture of glass allows considerable discrimination even with tiny fragments. In this study, we worked glass classification (...)
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  25. The nature of science and instructional practice: Making the unnatural natural.Fouad Abd-El-Khalick, Randy L. Bell & Norman G. Lederman - 1998 - Science Education 82 (4):417-436.
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  26. Communicating Understanding.Adham El Shazly - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    Knowledge can be transmitted through testimony. What about understanding? In this paper I argue against the possibility of testimonial understanding by giving an account of understanding in terms of ‘mental structures’. Then I argue while we cannot integrate communicating understanding into a propositional model of epistemic communication, we can do so on a perspectival model. I highlight the importance of this to the epistemology of education throughout.
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    Classical Confucian Political Thought: A New Interpretation.Loubna El Amine - 2015 - Oxford: Princeton University Press.
    The intellectual legacy of Confucianism has loomed large in efforts to understand China's past, present, and future. While Confucian ethics has been thoroughly explored, the question remains: what exactly is Confucian political thought? Classical Confucian Political Thought returns to the classical texts of the Confucian tradition to answer this vital question. Showing how Confucian ethics and politics diverge, Loubna El Amine argues that Confucian political thought is not a direct application of Confucian moral philosophy. Instead, contrary to the conventional view (...)
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    Does Religion Matter to Equity Pricing?Sadok El Ghoul, Omrane Guedhami, Yang Ni, Jeffrey Pittman & Samir Saadi - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (4):491-518.
    For a sample comprising 36,105 U.S. firm-year observations from 1985 to 2008, we find that firms located in more religious counties enjoy cheaper equity financing costs. This result is robust to a battery of sensitivity tests, including alternative assumptions and model specifications, additional controls for noise in analyst forecasts, and various approaches to addressing endogeneity. In another set of tests, we find that the equity pricing role that religion plays comes predominantly from Mainline Protestants. We also document that the effect (...)
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    Feminist approach to geriatric care: comprehensive geriatric assessment, diversity and intersectionality.Merle Weßel - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (1):87-97.
    Despite being a collection of holistic assessment tools, the comprehensive geriatric assessment primarily focuses on the social category of age during the assessment and disregards for example gender. This article critically reviews the standardized testing process of the comprehensive geriatric assessment in regard to diversity-sensitivity. I show that the focus on age as social category during the assessment process might potentially hinder positive outcomes for people with diverse backgrounds of older patients in relation to other social categories, such as race, (...)
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    Recognizing the Diverse Faces of Later Life: Old Age as a Category of Intersectional Analysis in Medical Ethics.Merle Weßel & Mark Schweda - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (1):21-32.
    Public and academic medical ethics debates surrounding justice and age discrimination often proceed from a problematic understanding of old age that ignores the diversity of older people. This article introduces the feminist perspective of intersectionality to medical ethical debates on aging and old age in order to analyze the structural discrimination of older people in medicine and health care. While current intersectional approaches in this field focus on race, gender, and sexuality, we thus set out to introduce aging and old (...)
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  31. Aristotle on Natural Slavery: An Analysis Using the Marxist Concept of Ideology.Zeyad El Nabolsy - 2019 - Science and Society 83 (2):244-267.
    Aristotle’s account of natural slavery as presented in his Politics is often treated by historians of philosophy as an account that can be analyzed purely internally in terms of its argumentative structure without referring to social factors. Against this view, Aristotle’s account of natural slavery is seen to be ideological according to at least one variant of the Marxist concept of ideology, and cannot be understood without reference to Aristotle’s socioeconomic context. The ideological nature of Aristotle’s account of natural slavery (...)
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  32. A semiotic analysis of the genetic information.Charbel El-Hani, Joao Queiroz & Claus Emmeche - 2006 - Semiotica - Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies / Revue de l'Association Internationale de Sémiotique 160 (1/4):1-68.
    Terms loaded with informational connotations are often employed to refer to genes and their dynamics. Indeed, genes are usually perceived by biologists as basically ‘the carriers of hereditary information.’ Nevertheless, a number of researchers consider such talk as inadequate and ‘just metaphorical,’ thus expressing a skepticism about the use of the term ‘information’ and its derivatives in biology as a natural science. First, because the meaning of that term in biology is not as precise as it is, for instance, in (...)
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  33. ""Moral Standards for Research in Developing Countries from" Reasonable Availability" to" Fair Benefits".Maged El Setouhy, Tsiri Agbenyega, Francis Anto, Christine Alexandra Clerk, Kwadwo A. Koram, Michael English, Rashid Juma, Catherine Molyneux, Norbert Peshu & Newton Kumwenda - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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    The Powers of Individual and Collective Intellectual Self-Trust in Dealing with Epistemic Injustice.Nadja El Kassar - 2021 - Social Epistemology 35 (2):197-209.
    The literature on epistemic injustice is increasingly turning to the question of countering epistemic injustice. But few authors note that the strategies against epistemic injustice are complemente...
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  35. ADO-Tutor: Intelligent Tutoring System for leaning ADO.NET.Ibrahim A. El Haddad & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2017 - European Academic Research 4 (10).
    This paper describes an Intelligent Tutoring System for helping users with ADO.NET called ADO-Tutor. The Intelligent Tutoring System was designed and developed using (ITSB) authoring tool for building intelligent educational systems. The user learns through the intelligent tutoring system ADO.NET, the technology used by Microsoft.NET to connect to databases. The material includes lessons, examples, and questions. Through the feedback provided by the intelligent tutoring system, the user's understanding of the material is assessed, and accordingly can be guided to different difficulty (...)
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    Unfolding in the empirical sciences: experiments, thought experiments and computer simulations.Rawad El Skaf & Cyrille Imbert - 2013 - Synthese 190 (16):3451-3474.
    Experiments (E), computer simulations (CS) and thought experiments (TE) are usually seen as playing different roles in science and as having different epistemologies. Accordingly, they are usually analyzed separately. We argue in this paper that these activities can contribute to answering the same questions by playing the same epistemic role when they are used to unfold the content of a well-described scenario. We emphasize that in such cases, these three activities can be described by means of the same conceptual framework—even (...)
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  37. Firefly Femmes Fatales: A Case Study in the Semiotics of Deception.Charbel N. El-Hani, João Queiroz & Frederik Stjernfelt - 2010 - Biosemiotics 3 (1):33-55.
    Mimicry and deception are two important issues in studies about animal communication. The reliability of animal signs and the problem of the benefits of deceiving in sign exchanges are interesting topics in the evolution of communication. In this paper, we intend to contribute to an understanding of deception by studying the case of aggressive signal mimicry in fireflies, investigated by James Lloyd. Firefly femmes fatales are specialized in mimicking the mating signals of other species of fireflies with the purpose of (...)
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    Corporate Environmental Responsibility and the Cost of Capital: International Evidence.Sadok El Ghoul, Omrane Guedhami, Hakkon Kim & Kwangwoo Park - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (2):335-361.
    We examine how corporate environmental responsibility affects the cost of equity capital for manufacturing firms in 30 countries. Using several approaches to estimate firms’ ex ante equity financing costs, we find in regressions that control for firm-level characteristics as well as industry, year, and country effects that the cost of equity capital is lower when firms have higher CER. This finding is robust to addressing endogeneity through instrumental variables, to using alternative specifications and proxies for the cost of equity capital, (...)
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  39. The effectiveness of a training program in increasing crowd funding awareness.Suliman A. El Talla, Mazen J. Al Shobaki, Samy S. Abu Naser & Youssef M. Abu Amuna - 2017 - International Journal of Advanced Educational Research 2 (1):31-37.
    The current study tries to verify the effectiveness of a training program in increasing Crowdfunding awareness. The sample was (50) students in CIS, who were purposively selected and distributed equally into a treatment and control group. The researchers designed the study tools (a training program to increase Crowdfunding awareness). The study findings revealed the existence of statistically significant differences between the treatment and control groups in favor of the former. Furthermore, there were statistically significant differences between the pre and the (...)
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    Person Centered Care and Personalized Medicine: Irreconcilable Opposites or Potential Companions?Leila El-Alti, Lars Sandman & Christian Munthe - 2019 - Health Care Analysis 27 (1):45-59.
    In contrast to standardized guidelines, personalized medicine and person centered care are two notions that have recently developed and are aspiring for more individualized health care for each single patient. While having a similar drive toward individualized care, their sources are markedly different. While personalized medicine stems from a biomedical framework, person centered care originates from a caring perspective, and a wish for a more holistic view of patients. It is unclear to what extent these two concepts can be combined (...)
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    Emergence Theories and Pragmatic Realism.Charbel Niño El-Hani & Sami Pihlström - 2002 - Essays in Philosophy 3 (2):143-176.
    The tradition of pragmatism has, especially since Dewey, been characterized by a commitment to nonreductive naturalism. The notion of emergence, popular in the early decades of the twentieth century and currently re-emerging as a central concept in metaphysics and the philosophy of mind, may be useful in explicating that commitment. The present paper discusses the issue of the reality of emergent properties, drawing particular attention to a pragmatic way of approaching this issue. The reality of emergents can be defended as (...)
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    The liar paradox in fifteenth-century Shiraz: the exchange between Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Dashtakī and Jalāl al-Dīn al-Dawānī.Khaled El-Rouayheb - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (2):251-275.
    ABSTRACTTwo rival scholars from Shiraz in Persia, Dawānī and Dashtakī engaged in a bitter and extended dispute over a range of metaphysical and logical issues. One of these was the liar paradox. Their debate on this point marked the most extensive scrutiny of the paradox in Arabic until that time. Dashtakī’s solution was to deny that the statement ‘What I say is false’ is true or false, on the ground that there is one statement and one application of the falsity (...)
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  43. Scientific Models and Thought Experiments: Same Same but Different.Rawad El Skaf & Michael T. Stuart - forthcoming - In Rawad El Skaf & Michael T. Stuart, Handbook of Philosophy of Scientific Modeling. London: Routledge.
    The philosophical literatures on models and thought experiments have been developing exponentially, and independently, for decades. This independence is surprising, given how similar models and thought experiments are. They each have “lives of their own,” they sit between theory and experience, they are important for both pedagogy and cutting-edge science, they galvanize conceptual changes and paradigm shifts, and they involve entertaining imaginary scenarios and working out what happens. Recently, philosophers have begun to highlight these similarities. This entry aims at taking (...)
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  44. Higher-level descriptions: why should we preserve them.Charbel Nino El-Hani & Antonio Marcos Pereira - 2000 - In P. B. Andersen, Claus Emmeche, N. O. Finnemann & P. V. Christiansen, Downward Causation. Aarhus, Denmark: University of Aarhus Press.
  45. Impossible Antecedents and Their Consequences: Some Thirteenth-Century Arabic Discussions.Khaled El-Rouayheb - 2009 - History and Philosophy of Logic 30 (3):209-225.
    The principle that a necessarily false proposition implies any proposition, and that a necessarily true proposition is implied by any proposition, was apparently first propounded in twelfth century Latin logic, and came to be widely, though not universally, accepted in the fourteenth century. These principles seem never to have been accepted, or even seriously entertained, by Arabic logicians. In the present study, I explore some thirteenth century Arabic discussions of conditionals with impossible antecedents. The Persian-born scholar Afdal al-Dīn al-Kh najī (...)
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    Getting Through COVID-19: The Pandemic’s Impact on the Psychology of Sustainability, Quality of Life, and the Global Economy – A Systematic Review.Mogeda El Sayed El Keshky, Sawzan Sadaqa Basyouni & Abeer Mohammad Al Sabban - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:585897.
    The COVID-19 pandemic may affect the world severely in terms of quality of life, political, environmental, and economic sustainable development, and the global economy. Its impact is attested to by the number of research studies on it. The main aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on the psychology of sustainability, on sustainable development, and on the global economy. A computerized literature search was performed, and journal articles from authentic sources were extracted, including MEDLINE, Google Scholar, (...)
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    Eristic, Antilogy and the Equal Disposition of Men and Women (Plato, Resp. 5.453B–454C).D. El Murr - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (1):85-100.
    Aristotle'sSophistical Refutations(=Soph. el.) seeks to uncover the workings of apparent deductive reasoning, and is thereby largely devoted to the caricature of dialectic that the ancients callederistic(ἐριστική), the art of quarrelling. Unlike antilogy (ἀντιλογία), which refers to a type of argumentation where two arguments are pitted against each other in a contradictory manner, eristic takes on in Aristotle an exclusively pejorative meaning, as is made clear, for example, by this passage fromSoph. el.: ‘For just as unfairness in a contest is a (...)
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    Gender and Age Stereotypes in Robotics for Eldercare: Ethical Implications of Stakeholder Perspectives from Technology Development, Industry, and Nursing.Merle Weßel, Niklas Ellerich-Groppe, Frauke Koppelin & Mark Schweda - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (4):1-15.
    Social categorizations regarding gender or age have proven to be relevant in human-robot interaction. Their stereotypical application in the development and implementation of robotics in eldercare is even discussed as a strategy to enhance the acceptance, well-being, and quality of life of older people. This raises serious ethical concerns, e.g., regarding autonomy of and discrimination against users. In this paper, we examine how relevant professional stakeholders perceive and evaluate the use of social categorizations and stereotypes regarding gender and age in (...)
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    ‘Gays who cannot properly be gay’: Queer Muslims in the neoliberal European city.Fatima El-Tayeb - 2012 - European Journal of Women's Studies 19 (1):79-95.
    The article traces the framing of Muslim Europeans as the continent’s Other by focusing on the silencing of queer Muslims within public debates around ‘Islam and homosexuality’. Ignoring class as a factor in the violence produced by the gentrification of urban spaces, the pitting of the gay community against the Muslim community posits the latter as a threat to the continent’s foundations that needs to be contained through forms of spatial governance in line with the neoliberal restructuring of the city. (...)
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  50. Understanding Biology in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.Adham El Shazly, Elsa Lawerence, Srijit Seal, Chaitanya Joshi, Matthew Greening, Pietro Lio, Shantung Singh, Andreas Bender & Pietro Sormanni - manuscript
    Modern life sciences research is increasingly relying on artificial intelligence (AI) approaches to model biological systems, primarily centered around the use of machine learning (ML) models. Although ML is undeniably useful for identifying patterns in large, complex data sets, its widespread application in biological sciences represents a significant deviation from traditional methods of scientific inquiry. As such, the interplay between these models and scientific understanding in biology is a topic with important implications for the future of scientific research, yet it (...)
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